How to remove the classic website part (main page is /notes)
Use middleware to redirect to /notes (easy)
just un-comment the lines 6,7,8 in the app/middleware.ts file
if (request.nextUrl.pathname === '/') { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/notes', request.url)); }
Replace the home page with notes - Not totally implemented
The most basic way is :
- Rename or delete app/page.tsx
- Add parenthesis in the app/notes folder app/(notes)/page.tsx will be the first page to show up when you visit the main page.
You can also move all the content of the app/notes folder to the app folder. This way, the main page will be the notes page but you'll have to modify the app/layout.tsx to merge the 2
WARNINGS : This method is not fully implemented, a lot of functions and links uses hard coded notes path, i have to fix that.